Friday, January 9, 2009

Q-tips: I caved

Last night I used a Q-tip. I had just taken off my hearing aids and washed my face and my right ear felt like there was water in it. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't. So I very carefully and cautiously used a Q-tip with the sole intention of getting the liquid out and not hurting my ear. Amazingly I was very successful. I think this has only helped fuel my desire and ability to quit.

It's been 9 days and my ears are already changing. The Q-tip did not look or feel like it normally does (I'll spare you the gross details). I can already see that my ears are healing themselves. I am more determined than ever to kick this bad habit.

However I am also sitting here with very itchy ears that desperately want to be cleaned out. It seems I've done two steps forward, one step backward. I'm not counting this as a failed resolution, just a learning curve.

The itchiness calls to me. I am so tempted to shake my hearing aids around in my ears. I am resisting. My hearing aids will be taken off tonight the minute I arrive home!

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