Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Holiday Noise Polution and Q-tip resolution update

The holidays for most people involves many people in a small space and lots of noise. For me that equals isolation. More people equates to more noise which equates to more difficulty in understanding. Add that to the chaos of gifts being open, wrappers crinkling, music playing in the background, and I'm lucky if I can follow any of the conversations.

I've learned the skills of sitting and nodding, smiling absently, and only asking for clarification when it's absolutely necessary.

Therefore I prefer a quiet and small holiday setting. It's hard to come across these settings as families continue to grow and the important members swell. At least during the December holidays I'll have a gift or two to open and play with when my ears give out on me.

As for the Q-tips: Knowing that I would be quitting come Jan 1 I went back to using them this past week. I tried to be gentle but I know that is still not enough. Since I'm home today and feeling a cold coming on I may not even wear my hearing aids today. If I don't wear them for two days in a row that should decrease on the moisture and will hopefully make the transition easier. If I do wear my hearing aids today rest assured they will be off prior to midnight so that I can have one last enjoyable swabbing.

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